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Local calls (in Israel)

Dial regularly - For example: 058-555-5555 (or if you’re calling a landline: 02, 03, etc. plus the number.)

International calls

Dial your carrier’s prefix ➨ the code of the country you’re calling ➨ the area code and number.
For example: 017-1-212-555-5555 for the US or 017-44-203-150-0190 for England (change country code accordingly to other countries or other parts of the UK).

Each service provider uses a different carrier and the prefix will vary.
Note: If you call with the wrong carrier you could find yourself with a very high bill that month. Other carriers charge very high rates.

- CID plans and Hot mobile use 017

- Cellular One Plans use 00

- Golan use 00 or 016

- Cellcom use 013

- Partner (formerly Orange) use 012

- Pelephone use 014

- Rami Levy use 00

It is very important to confirm the above information with your provider.
[You could find Cellular Israel contact info here and other provider's info here]


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